Here at Willoughton Primary School we take the issue of bullying very seriously!
Bullying can happen to anyone at any age. Being bullied at school, home or online might involve someone pushing you, hitting you, teasing you, talking about you or calling you names. No one has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad. If you are being bullied you don't have to put up with it - you can talk to someone about it.
There are loads of really useful website to help you beat the bullys. Click on the links below to find out more information!
Beat Bullying
The 'Beat Bullying' website is full of really cool stuff for children and grown ups too. The 'Beat Bullying' campaign is supported by loads of celebrities like JLS, Diviersity and Dame Kelly Holmes.
Childline is a good place to start if you think you are being bullied. It explains what bullying is and how to deal with it, and there's a video to watch about how words can hurt people.
BBC Bullying - Information for Parent's Page
This is a site dedicated to helping parents and carers spot the signs of bullying. It gives some useful information about how to help your child deal with the bullies and signposts adults to some helpful websites.
Kids Against Bullying
This is website designed just for children. It's has some very useful tips for spotting bullying, as well as some games and a frequently asked questions page.