Pastoral Care

Should any member of staff be concerned about a child’s education or wellbeing we will consult parents initially to arrange an appointment to discuss the problem and together a decision will be made about whether that child would benefit from further support or intervention.

Similarly, we ask that parents contact the school to discuss any issues they may have regarding their child’s life at Willoughton so that these can be resolved quickly.

Open School and Security

Willoughton Primary prides itself on being an ‘open’ school but we must balance this with being a ‘safe’ school. The main entrance to the school building is fitted with a security code panel. The side entrance is fitted with a coded padlock and only open during break/lunch times. Visitors must call at the School Office where advice, help and assistance can be given. All visitors must sign the Visitors Book and are given a Visitors lanyard so that everyone knows that the person is a welcome guest of the school. Governors all sign in the visitors book and wear governor lanyards whilst visiting the school.

Keeping Our Children Safe at Willoughton

Our duty is to keep all children safe at all times whilst they are in school. If we have any concerns about a child’s safety we will immediately contact either parents or the relevant agency to keep that child safe. The school operates Lincolnshire's Child Protection Procedures, which gives guidelines as to the procedures to be taken if any child appears to be in danger. The Executive Headteacher and School Business Manager have been trained in Safeguarding/Child Protection and Safer Recruiting which strengthens and safeguards against employing unsuitable people in schools. The Governors ensure that all employees have been Police checked and hold an Enhanced Criminal Records Clearance certificate. We also expect volunteers who work in school on regular basis to undergo these checks too.